
Editing Services


A copyedit or line edit is done in order to ensure that a piece of writing is clear, correct, concise, coherent, and consistent (the 5Cs). This is an important part of the writing process that helps take documents to a higher level of quality and sophistication.

Rachelle Funk Editing has expertise in the most technical aspects of writing and will work to refine any manuscript.


Proofreading is the final step in the editing process and is the stage in which any remaining writing errors will be identified and corrected. It is a vital phase in order to get as close to a perfect composition as possible.

Rachelle Funk Editing is skilled in analyzing the finest details of a text to make certain that even the tiniest mistakes will be eliminated.

Manuscript Evaluations

A manuscript evaluation is a great option for authors who have completed an early draft of their writing and want high-quality, objective feedback from a professional editor to determine if their project is ready for the next step in the revision process (a copy/line edit). There is minimal inline commentary or correction made during this stage, but a detailed assessment is included at the end of each chapter and for the overall document which lists the strengths and weaknesses of the manuscript so that the author can decide if there are any changes that need to be made to increase the quality of their writing before final edits and publishing. This is less expensive than a full developmental edit and leaves the improvement of the work in the hands of the author, helping to maintain their own individuality and personal voice.

Rachelle Funk Editing will give manuscripts a thorough and helpful evaluation to provide direction and guidance for truly inspired writing.

Style Sheets

Style sheets are common in corporations and businesses and are important to establish standards for correspondence within organizations and for public communication outside those organizations. A style sheet can also be a valuable tool for individual writers who are planning on doing several books or series of books and want to maintain consistency of voice and style throughout their catalogue of published works.

Rachelle Funk Editing can help authors and businesses develop a style sheet that they can refer to while working on any future projects to keep their writing similar across all their projects and that represents their unique identity and style.